So long, sucky year!

Hey, everyone! Just wanted to get in one last post before this annus horribilus comes to an end. And let's be honest, 2021 may wind up having a lot of sucky things in it too, but at least it'll look a little different, in some places! And in a few short weeks, we'll have a … Continue reading So long, sucky year!

Spambots need love, too! (an unofficial non-weigh-in pre-Christmas post!)

Hey everyone! As you know, I'm still on my Official Holiday Blogging/Dieting Break, so no official weigh-in or post till next week. However, just wanted to take a few minutes to say THANKS to all of you for your moral (if not financial) support over the past year. It's been a tough one, hasn't it? … Continue reading Spambots need love, too! (an unofficial non-weigh-in pre-Christmas post!)