Same Ol’ Same Ol’!

Hey guys! Gotta make this a quickie weigh-in as I'm off to do some errands, churchy-type stuff, etc. Here we go: 186.0 Same as last week … oh well, I kinda thought with all the walking I'd been doing, not to mention actually writing down my calories (for at least a couple of days!), it'd … Continue reading Same Ol’ Same Ol’!

Procrastination never works, amiright?

Hi everyone! Mr. 50by60 and I had a nice weekend, participating in a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church in Anaheim, California. And of course, when church-y people celebrate anything, there's inevitably FOOD involved. So, I held off an extra day for the weigh-in because I thought that would give my … Continue reading Procrastination never works, amiright?

Ch-ch-ch-changes (again!) – brace yourselves!

Hey everyone, due to an excess of church potlucks and other high-fat-content food-laced events on weekends, I've decided to shift my weigh-in (and blog) day from Mondays till Tuesdays. It's either that or change religions, and since I understand other religions also embrace food, that may not work, diet-wise. Also, I gotta go pick up … Continue reading Ch-ch-ch-changes (again!) – brace yourselves!

Is it possible to get TOO much sunshine? Naahh…well, maybe!

As those of you who know me know quite well, I'm a big fan of sunshine and blue skies! I also love hot days, especially when it's NOT a hot day and I'm shivering and drinking hot chocolate and wondering if the temperature will EVER go over 60 degrees, ever again. Well, it has...and baby … Continue reading Is it possible to get TOO much sunshine? Naahh…well, maybe!

Monday weigh with bonus political AND religious commentary! Booyah!

Hey everyone, happy Monday! Got me some stuff to do today so just gonna post the weigh-in: 184.2 Welp, still circlin' the maintenance drain out here at beautiful Plateau Point. But hey, that's OK! I'm actually happy with that number, as it zoomed up to a whopping 187 the day after the Fourth, when we … Continue reading Monday weigh with bonus political AND religious commentary! Booyah!

Are the numbers going the wrong way, or am I?

Well, like the great Wrongway Feldman, I came to an important realization this morning when I did my weigh-in, as follows: 184.0 It's that I'm no longer in weight LOSS mode -- I'm in weight MAINTENANCE mode. And that's a very different space! It also makes the daily weight check a lot less stressful. Instead … Continue reading Are the numbers going the wrong way, or am I?