After the week I’ve had, I’m just happy it’s not up even more!

Yeah, my weight's up again this week -- 203.0 -- which is almost as much of a gain as last week's was a loss! Still, given the week I've had, I'm just happy it's not even higher. Let me summarize: Anniversary - as I mentioned last week, Mr. 50by60 and I celebrated our wedding anniversary. … Continue reading After the week I’ve had, I’m just happy it’s not up even more!

A Precipitous Drop on a Celebratory Day

Well, hello everyone! And yes, there are lots of things around us to celebrate today, as you know, but in our little household, the most IMPORTANT holiday of the year is, of course, Heh ... yes, okay, kitties, let me just finish this blog post, okay? Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes, this is … Continue reading A Precipitous Drop on a Celebratory Day

The weight is up, but the vax is in (and the arm is sore)!

Good morning, and welcome back, everyone! Hope y'all had a wonderful [insert Springtime religious/secular holiday name of choice]! As expected, my weight went up a tad: 203.8 But given all the kielbasa and pirogis and Easter eggs, that's to be expected No, no, I didn't forget!! And you know what? A 5-peep box is only … Continue reading The weight is up, but the vax is in (and the arm is sore)!