Major announcement, kinda sorta!

Well, hey everyone! Good morning, and happy Wednesday! It's been another week of alternately loathing and trying to ignore the new neighbors, who are busily destroying every vestige of anything even remotely resembling "vegetation" that might get in the way of their planned McMansion, including not one, not two, but three beautiful cypress trees which … Continue reading Major announcement, kinda sorta!

Another effin’ blog break?? But whyyyy???

Morning, friends, fans, and relatives (and I suspect most of you are the latter, so hi, cousins!!)! Welcome to another edition of Why I Don't Feel Like Writing a Blog Post This Morning! (from Kristen Lamb's "Why I hate blogging...but do it anyway") In my defense, it's been a busy week, what with Mr. 50by60 … Continue reading Another effin’ blog break?? But whyyyy???

Do as I say, not as I do! (most of the time, anyway!)

Hey, everyone, welcome back! Remember last week, when I said that because of the heat, you shouldn't exercise? Well, guess what I did the VERY SAME DAY I posted that valuable information? Yup, I went to the gym and did a full-on sweat-inducing workout! So there you go. I'm great at giving advice, but not … Continue reading Do as I say, not as I do! (most of the time, anyway!)

Heat waves and your diet/exercise plan

Well, howdy everyone, and yep, it's another super hot week out here in Southern California! So how does all this extreme weather affect our diet and/or exercise plans, if at all? Well, I don't know about you, but when it's so hot outside that I can feel the heat radiating inwards through the walls, I … Continue reading Heat waves and your diet/exercise plan