Ugly Betty’s In Barbie? I’m In!!

I’m so annoyed when someone uses the word “woke” to disparage something they just don’t like. If people don’t like a movie, like “Barbie,” why don’t they just say what they didn’t like about it instead of just saying it’s “woke” and that’s it? Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Anyway, it’s Tuesday, July 25, 2023 and this is my – let’s see – 17th day and counting of writing 750 words every day at the new 750 words dot com! And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that if you write out url names like that, one word at a time, instead of putting them all together properly, like this – – it really ups your word count! And you gotta have at least 750 pieces of flair er, words!

So here we are at my wonderful web site (not just website, that’s one word and I need more words!), 50 by 60 dot com, although at the moment it’s actually 50 by 60 dot wordpress dot com, because I was too much of a cheapskate to shell out 60 hard-earned bucks for the privilege of having the website domain name. I may change my mind if things start looking up around here, though. By which I mean, if I get more eyeballs on what I’m writing. Which conjures up an interesting mental image.

Anyway, it’s Tuesday (did I already say that? word count!) and I’m already exhausted because I got up early, 5:30, to the sound of Pumpkin giving us her early morning “yowl I’m awake feed me yowl” alarm clock. I had to get up and pour some dry food in her bowl (one of her bowls, I should say) and then while she sat there crunching it with gustatory lip-smacking sounds, I got back into bed for a good, oh, hour before I got the next wakeup call.

This one was more of a psychic call. Buddy, our older cat, rarely does the morning – wake up – feed me meowing any more. No, what he does, I’m convinced, is infiltrate my dreams, like Freddie or Groundskeeper Willie, and let me know he’s waiting.

So I got up, dumped some wet food onto HIS bowl, took it outside and, while waiting for him to decide where exactly he wanted me to put it, enjoyed the (relative) coolness of the morning. Although it was already starting to feel pretty steamy out there.

Yes, we’re still right smack dab in the middle of our heat wave. Imagine, a heat wave in July, right? But this one is actually pretty bad. Still, nowhere near as bad as in Arizona, where apparently one-third of the people in the burn units right now got there from just tripping and falling onto the asphalt! Hey — I trip and fall sometimes! That could be me!

Thank God I’m not in Phoenix (a sentence I repeat often, ad nauseam). That’s gotta be the worst place for accident-prone folks to live, so you’d think it would be a lot cheaper. Wrong-o! As my niece will tell you, rental prices are still out of reach of the average working stiff.

But back to the whole “woke” thing! This morning I visited Facebook, as is my wont. And isn’t that a cool word, “wont”? Misguided spell checking software used to mark it as an error, or suggest I meant “won’t,” till AI took over and smoothed everything out. Thanks, AI!

Anyway, I visited Facebook and found that someone in my Friends list (still a friend, although after they see this they may not be, nyuk nyuk!!) was complaining that the new “Barbie” movie was “woke.”

Which really annoyed me because first of all, none of the people who use that word derogatorily seem to actually know what it means; second, it’s way overused and pretty much a cliche at this point, and C), last night I read a wonderful article about America Ferreira’s speech in the movie, and I didn’t even know she was in it and I LOVE her in Ugly Betty, which my husband and I have been binging and we’re just at the episode where she gets her braces off! Go Betty!

Anyway, if SHE’S in it, that’s enough of an incentive for me to want to see it as soon as it hits one of the Big Three* (Hulu, Netflix, or Prime)! *(Which reminds me that I’m definitely old enough to remember when the Big Three were ABC, CBS, and NBC, till that interloper PBS came along, and then of course we all got UHF and the world went to heck in a handbasket!

And I just went over my 750 words, so I’m outta here! See you again soon! (and let me know if you’ve seen “Barbie”! Is it worth going out of the house for?)

6 thoughts on “Ugly Betty’s In Barbie? I’m In!!

  1. Witty as usual. make me smile 😃..l don’t even understand what woke means and don’t care. Love the cat 🐈comment. They rule our lives. Kathy aka The

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You have a new fan girl! I laughed several times while reading this post. 👏
    Also wanted to say I found out about your blog through the 750words site and am on a streak myself. It’s nice to actually “talk” to someone in the community. It’s kind of weird that way, isn’t it?


        • Wow, good for you! I’m only on day 21 and already this morning I cheated a little. Actually, I cheated by writing part of my 750 words yesterday afternoon and then cutting and pasting them into the Let’s Write space this morning! Is that cheating? I mean, I did write it, I’m not just putting in garbage. But some days I have way more than 750 words and other days way less!

          Liked by 1 person

          • The only way I was able to do this is to be very intentional about it. I joined the site early, I think in 2011 and my pattern over time has been to revert often back to the “empty nest” because I just didn’t set an intention to write every day. Once I was able to maintain a streak for enough days to earn an albatross (lol), I said that’s it. I’m keeping this baby. I also “cheated” and took advantage of the streak fairy to repair a missed day! (The nerve, right?) Like you, I also cut and paste on occasion, or quote other people, so I guess that’s cheating. All the same, the site is a great way to stay motivated to write and I think that’s the whole point. 🙂


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