Taking a longer break!

Just wanted to let everyone know I’m taking a break from this blog (in case you hadn’t noticed, which was actually the title of my last post!). Anyway, I’m still writing, a LOT! Just in different places and different ways.

First, I’m writing 750 words a day at a site called … well … 750 Words a Day. (duh!) I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a way to get into the daily writing habit.

I’m also occasionally dumping some of my daily writing into a Substack. I’m not prepared to publicize that just yet, because I’m still kind of feeling my way around it. I’ll let you know, though, when I figure out what it’s actually going to be. (*UPDATE* *UPDATE* *UPDATE* Here ’tis!! My new Substack: Shy Old Lady !)

Finally, I’m prepping for an event called NaNoWriMo which starts in November 2023 and which involves even more writing! Specifically, the goal is to write 50,000 words (the equivalent of a novel) during the month of November. You can start beforehand coming up with ideas, outlines, etc. but you’re not really supposed to start *counting* what you’re writing till midnight on November 1st.

Sounds like fun, huh? Well, yeah. Also sounds like a lot of writing! And since this poor li’l ol’ blog has kind of fulfilled its purpose (remember, way back at the beginning, when it was about losing 50 pounds by my 60th birthday?), I’m kind of ready to let it go.

So thanks for all the support over the last few years. I’ve really appreciated your comments and your suggestions! Thanks for reading what I’ve written, and again, once I figure out what I’m doing at Substack, I’ll post a link to that here!

Bye for now!

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