Procrastination never works, amiright?

Hi everyone! Mr. 50by60 and I had a nice weekend, participating in a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church in Anaheim, California. And of course, when church-y people celebrate anything, there’s inevitably FOOD involved.

So, I held off an extra day for the weigh-in because I thought that would give my weight a chance to settle back down a bit, after not one but TWO days’ worth of food.

Yeah, I don’t think it made all that much difference! So …

here’s the weigh-in:


Oh well — the GOOD news is that even though our own beloved pastor is retiring this weekend, he’s made it abundantly clear that he does NOT want or expect a potluck! And of course, being good, obedient Catholics, we always do what our priest tells us, so there shouldn’t be any more fattening food to deal with this weekend.

And just a reminder, I’ve decided to shift the weigh-in from Mondays to Tuesdays for a while, to see if that makes any difference. Obviously, it didn’t THIS week, so as usual, everything’s subject to change — including yours truly, nyuk nyuk!

Oh well — see ya next TUESDAY and we’ll see how things go!

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